Author: Jennifer Eversole

26 Mar One Thing Software Vendors Can’t Ignore When Migrating to SaaS

Business as usual in the software world is coming to an end. Today's environment is one in which customers want to use a web browser, rather than on-premises software, to meet their needs. Customers want to be able to access applications from almost anywhere; they want low initial costs, painless upgrades, and even seamless integrations. To meet all these demands,...

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12 Mar Will Paper Checks Be Extinct by 2026?

The first known payment by paper check occurred in the early eleventh century when an Iranian traveler visited the city of Basra and gave a merchant written instruction ordering his bank to make a payment from his account. While the U.S. economy continues to rely on checks as a form of payment , that reliance is steadily decreasing year after...

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18 Feb Customer Retention Strategies that Work

In an article published in the Harvard Business Review, September-October 1990 entitled “Zero Defections:  Quality Comes to Services", Bain and Company, working with Earl Sasser of Harvard Business School analyzed the costs of revenues derived from servicing customers over their entire purchasing life cycle. What they found is that increasing customer retention rates by 5% increases profits by 25% to...

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13 Feb Predicting Future Performance

What gets measured gets managed, right? It's easy to come up with an alphabet soup of metrics to look at every month. Things like ROI, EBITDA, ROCE, COS, EPS, etc. But is that enough? We can look at financial measures all day, but one thing will never change…..the past. Financial measures are lagging indicators - ones that only tell us what...

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